Sunday, 17 July 2011

daisy, daisy...

"I love daisies. They're such a happy flower". So says Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail and I agree. Our herb patch is full of plants with daisy-like blooms at the moment and they are, quite simply, a delight.

This one's a double chamomile. I love its shaggy appearance.

This is a camphor plant. Its leave smell of, yep, camphor. I'm hoping to dry a few and use in pot pourri over the winter.

This is a poor picture but it is a wonderful flower. Creamy white petals surrounding a neat, butter-yellow centre. This is English Mace and it has grown tremendously well this year. It's an often overlooked herb, we often get bemused looks from people at our plant markets but it's actually great in soups and warming casseroles.

And now for something completely different....

Viper's Bugloss. The bees have been all over it today (in between the downpours). It's a biennial so we'll soon be collecting seeds.


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